Hello! Kristy here!
When I first began my journey back to health, I really was only focusing on what I was eating and how I was physically moving my body. I made a ton of progress, but it wasn’t until about a year or two into my journey that I began to become concerned about what I was putting on my body and using in my home.
As I began to be educated about the effects of the chemicals in some of my favorite beauty and household products, like my beloved Pumpkin Spice candles, I was not thrilled at the prospect of switching everything out…
But at the same time, it didn’t make sense for me to be spending hundreds on organic, nutrient dense foods and holistic healing treatments just to be breathing toxic candle fumes and dousing myself with 2 pumps of poison I mean perfume everyday.
If I was going to do this healing thing, I wanted to do it for real.
So when I saw my friend Ashleah discussing the dangers of the candles many of us love to burn in the fall, I knew I wanted to collaborate with her to bring you the science behind what these chemicals can do to our bodies. Turns out it wreaks havoc on not only women’s hormones, but the health of the entire family.
Let me introduce Ashleah Collver, she’s going to tell us her journey to non-toxic living and share some healthy alternatives to replace our Pumpkin Spice candles, just because candles are toxic doesn’t mean we need to go without our all time favorite Autumnal scents!
Without further ado, Here’s Ashleah:
When I started my journey of using essential oils, I had no idea I would be jumping down the rabbit hole of research, enlightenment, and empowerment concerning what ingredients are coming into our home. Being immersed in a community of like-minded individuals who are conscious of health, toxins, and how wonky US regulations are jump started my desire to further educate myself, and eventually others. The dangers of many ingredients in our home and personal use items are numerous: organ toxicity, hormone disruption, cancer causing, and some are even linked to neurological disorders.
I googled the safety and health concerns of over one hundred ingredients I found in my home from things like our: laundry sheets, cleaners, body products, and personal care items.
We were health conscious. We were purchasing expensive, "natural" products I thought were a better choice only to feel duped and then angry.
Brands like Mrs. Meyer’s, Burt’s Bees, Seventh Generation, the list goes on of companies who are green washing their products and charging a high price for a low quality item. Today, we’re going to focus on “Fragrance”; the parachute ingredient that secretly provides shelter for 3,059 chemicals to all go under one name. Out of those 3000+ ingredients, only a small fraction have actually been tested for safety.
greenwashing noun green·wash·ing | \ ˈgrēn-ˌwȯ-shiŋ , -ˌwä-\: conveying a false impression that a company or its products are more environmentally sound than they really are
Every fall, when I see friends and family busting out their fall scented candles, wax burners, and air fresheners I internally cringe at what is happening to their body systems. And it’s not only affecting the women in the household- the men and children are also negatively affected by fragrance and synthetic chemicals.
Dr. Philip Landrigan with the Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center in New York performed a study measuring fetal exposure to synthetic chemicals through the mother’s urine. The higher the chemical content in urine, the higher chance there was of that child being diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and neurological disorders throughout their childhood. This means mothers are unknowingly exposing their fetuses to chemicals that could forever change their lives, and not for the better.
Future Families II performed a study assessing the chemical levels in the urine of children aged 2-36 months. They found a direct correlation between higher chemical levels and a low AGI (anogenital index). Not only are these synthetic fragrances harming our hormones on an internal level (sperm levels, infertility, and asthenospermia [sperm with weakened mobility]), but they’re also literally changing the physical make up of our sons’ genitals.
A quick Google search provides study summaries linking fragrance to slow sperm, undescended testes, low AGI, low sperm count, cause ovarian and oocyte irregularities in women causing menstruation issues, and much more.
The main issue being that many of the ingredients in fragrance, phthalates largely, are recognized by our body as estrogen. This is called a xenoestrogen. A synthetic estrogen that bombards our body with an excess amount of “estrogen”, which then tells our body we don’t need to create more natural estrogen. In women this can look like: low lobido, painful cycles, irregular cycles, headaches, etc. In men this can look like: soft breast tissue (the man boobs), excess belly fat, low lobido, dysfunctional erectile disorder, and low energy levels.
A study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) shows that at least 75% of fragrance ingredients contain phthalates. But the companies don’t have to put phthalates on the label because they’re protected by the Toxic Control Act of 1976. The Fair Packaging and Labeling Act is another great legislative measure which allows fragrance into beauty products without it actually being on the label. Seems fair, right?
So why is this shady ingredient in EVERYTHING?
Because we’re addicted. Americans love things that smell good. Because our sense of smell is directly connected to our memories and emotions, we’re easy targets for companies to target our emotional response with a smell.
Our olfactory system is linked with our limbic system, which then affects our nervous system. Basically, whatever we smell affects our entire body. It goes into the nose, then the brain, then the nervous system. This has to do with our fight or flight response, memory for recognizing family, and memories which indicate safety or hazards.
How can we avoid fragrance? What's a good alternative?
We use essential oils for everything in our home. Making our house smell good, supporting our hormones, supporting our body’s response to inflammation, promoting overall wellness, etc. are all things we achieve using Young Living oils.
Here are some easy alternatives:
Jasmine essential oil worn as a perfume. This oil helps open the heart chakra and can instill feelings of worthiness. It’s a luxurious oil I recommend everyone have on hand.
Sacred Mountain essential oil blend worn as perfume and used to support healthy emotions. Essential oils have the same effects on our brain as fragrance does, but in a much more positive way. Natural plant constituents enter our brain and cause it to either ramp up the nervous system (peppermint when we’re tired) or help to calm it down (lavender when we need to go to sleep). Sacred Mountain is a beautiful blend that is grounding and soothing.
Put 8-10 drops of lemongrass and lavender on your wool dryer balls to swap out chemical filled dryer sheets.
Pull that nifty diffuser out, add 6-10 drops of essential oil, top with water, and press the on button!

Favorite fall diffuser blends:
- Stress Away+Cinnamon+Clove
- Thieves+Lemon
- Raven+Lemon
- Rosemary+Pine
- Clove+ginger+orange
- Christmas Spirit+orange
- Get a fragrance free lotion base (Glory Bee has my favorite) and add any oils you like! Favorites are:
- Lavender+frankincense
- Geranium+lavender+copaiba
- Ylang ylang+Jasmine+lavender
There are so many more tips and tricks! If you’re looking for ways to expand your essential oil uses, I’m more than happy to share my favorites!

Essential oils are actually considered fragrance to the FDA. That means, there’s no regulation on what is actually in those oils, just like the rest of the fragrance industry. Anyone can label an oil as organic, as therapeutic, as 100% pure, as a magical healing oil so you want to make sure that the brand you are choosing to use for you and your family is quality and committed to your health.
Call the company you’re supporting. Ask them where the oil you have was sourced from. Do they own their own farms? How do they regulate those farms? And then ask if you can tour the farm. Ask for details on when a batch was collected, when they harvest this particular crop, or if they’re purchasing from a bulk distributor.
There are many reasons why I feel that Young Living is the best brand for families and I would love the opportunity to discuss these with you.If this interests you, contact me with the info below. I’d love to welcome you into the community. I’ve become as educated as I am because of our community. I’ve improved our lifestyle and the lives of others because of our community.
When you join our tribe you receive not only a box of oils or healthy lifestyle products- you also receive a tribe of people who are here to support you. To answer your questions, hold your hand, send you resources, and guide you through this journey. We want to welcome you, friend!
Young Living Member Number: 12753666
Instagram: @ashleahv
Facebook: Ashleah Marie Collver
Kristy Again.
Pretty fascinating right?
We know that this information can be overwhelming, and we know it’s not practical to toss all of your current toxic products and start anew with new, non toxic everything.
But we can certainly try to make a better decision the next time we have to purchase our scent products, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc.
Small changes add up, and even small changes can add up to make a big difference on our toxic load.
It’s all about progress, and not perfection over here.
Until next time, ladies!
Happy Fall!
please note, Kristy Dishmon and The Rooted Life, LLC is not an essential oils expert and is not associated with Young Living.
Please defer all essential oil questions to Ashleah Collver, thank you!

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